ERWC provides its clients with long-standing expertise in:
- Baseline studies, biodiversity surveys & impact assessments
- Multi-year monitoring surveys, state-of-the-art radar & modelling techniques
- Consultancy on nature enhancement, nature inclusive design and mitigation measures
Our experienced field crews are eager to help you collect and analyse all required onshore & offshore data.
Radar & camera ornithology
Over 30 years of experience in dedicated bird radars, including full 3D radars and state-of-the-art bird tracking camera systems.
Tracking studies
Scientific expertise and experience in tagging birds, bats, sea mammals, turtles, large fish and shellfish.
Aerial- and ship-based monitoring
Licensed and experienced staff for visual and digital monitoring studies, including remote sensing and drones.
Nature enhancement We combine innovative designs and concepts with ecological validation monitoring to support a continuous learning-by-doing development cycle.
| On land and floating solar We provide assessments of the potential short-term impacts during construction and long-term impacts during operation, monitoring, and recommendations for mitigation measures to be implemented.
| Submarine monitoring Our professional dive team and crew handle a wide array of monitoring tools, such as box core, dropcams, grabbers, sonar, ROVs, nets and dredges.
Sea mammal research We are experienced in the acoustic tagging and monitoring of large sea mammals to better understand their migration patterns and behaviourial responses to construction projects.
| Wetland restoration Restoration in its broadest sense, including activities that promote a return to previous conditions ― as well as activities that improve the functioning of the wetland ecosystem.
| eDNA sampling Our modern DNA lab is ready to help you with biodiversity monitoring, the detection of rare species in your project area or diet analysis of targeted species.
Contact ERWC today:
Hein Prinsen
(Waardenburg Ecology)
The Netherlands
| France
| Greece
| Croatia